Sushmita Sen is one of the most inspiring actresses in Bollywood. She is the embodiment of beauty and grace. Despite of immense popularity, she is encompassed with simplicity which not only inspires the youth but the old as well. Here are top 5 motivational quotes of Sushmita Sen:
When she spoke about being famous:
“I knew from the age of 14 that I was going to be famous. And the reason I knew that was because my mum and my dad were watching Rakesh Sharma go to space on TV and howling on the couch. I came down from the stairs and asked my baba “what happened? who is he?” and my father was so choked up, he just said “he’s famous!” And I knew then that by being famous I could make you cry and affect lives without even knowing you.”
When she spoke about beauty:
“Beauty is very individualistic. Beauty is what makes you happy. Beauty to me is God’s handwriting. It’s who you are – your character, your determination. Your sex appeal lies in who you are as a package. I don’t want to look at you and go ‘wow’ and then be totally put off when you open your mouth.”
When she spoke about meeting her fans:
“I meet a lot of people during the day. Some of them I may never meet again. I might have had a very bad day emotionally, physically, socially or otherwise, but I make it a point that their last memory of me to be one that they don’t have to take the burden of remembering ‘Oh! Maybe she had a bad day!’ They need to remember me the way they envisioned me. That’s a hard task at times.”
When she spoke about relationships:
“Relationship is actually a very good word. I’ve had plenty. Enough to help me grow. Sometimes you outgrow relationships and people, and something people outgrow you. It’s a natural process. I know people who celebrated 25 years of togetherness and it went for a toss the next day. Nothing comes with a guarantee. I think relationships are there for you to grow with. They last at times, sometimes they don’t.”
When she spoke about the institution of marriage:
“I don’t think the institution of marriage is dead. I think the whole concept of marriage has changed. Earlier the concept was that woman leaves her home, comes with her man, sacrifices, blah blah blah… and if she didn’t, it was “not good.” Today the concept of marriage is more equal. It’s a concept that’s hard for the more orthodox people to understand.”