Basketball is a game that involves jumping, sprinting, running around and quick stops and direction changes that require the best shoes for effective gameplay. Your best basketball shoes should be able to provide for enough friction absorber, ankle support and jump assist, and at the same time, prevent other foot and ankle injuries. Therefore, selecting these shoes is one of the most important decisions that a basketball player can make.
There are several factors that athletes can consider while choosing a shoe for playing basketball
- Brands
Nike? Adidas? An athlete should try not to be too concerned with the brand of the shoes but to put more concern on how this shoe affects his performance. However, the athlete should make sure that whichever brand he buys is one that is trusted to avoid purchasing substandard or inferior footwear.
- Feet and Fit
An athlete should have his or her feet accurately measured at a store to determine his foot type/size. This very important step of measurement will help the athlete select the right shoe that fits his feet according to universal sizes and shoes.
There should be a little amount of space at the end of the shoe when worn, because this, and not the actual tightness of the shoe around the feet tests its fit. An athlete should check this by wearing the shoe and using his/her thumb in pressing the end of the shoe. The shoes should be snug and not tight around its width. Athletes are advised to take a few running steps to ensure that their heels do not slip out of the back of their shoes.
- Protection and Ankle Support
Athletes should opt for shoes that provide them with the most needed protection as regard to their specifics. High-top shoes cushion the foot and can provide ankle support, preventing several ankle injuries, while low-top or mid-top shoes are more flexible and less restrictive. Players can choose shoes as regard to their ability and how much their choices affect their gameplay.
- Game type
Athletes should choose shoes based on their playing styles. Players that have mastered fast gameplay should use a lightweight shoe that has a moderate cushion and enables flexibility and support, while other power players require shoes with maximum cushion that can ensure that stability during gameplay.
- Shoe sole
Athletes should also consider the soles of their shoes. Rubber soles that are well-patterned and provide more traction during gameplay. Even so, some shoe soles are designed for outdoor gameplay, having thicker and heavier soles.
After the selection of shoes and usage, these same shoes are prone to damage or wear and tear due to accidents or overuse. The frequent use of basketball shoes for gameplay, training and other activities could reduce their ability to provide cushion, traction and ankle support for the foot. Wearing damaged or torn basketball shoes could result in several foot injuries that could affect the athlete’s ability to play. It is advisable that basketball players either change their basketball shoes once in two months or use about two or more shoes interchangeably within three months.