The All Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes organised an International Diabetes Summit on 13 December 2018 at the House of Commons where a number of leading experts spoke about the need for a healthy lifestyle.
The conference was attended by around 200 people from around the country and features speakers including Steve Brine MP, Minister for Public Health, Sisse Marie Welling, Health Mayor of Copenhagen, Denmark, Hon Roberto Pella MP, Vice President Vicar of Italian Municipalities Association (ANCI), Mayor of Valdengo, Dr Faith Foreman-Hays, Assistant Director of the Houston Health Department, and Manoj Bharucha, Gastrointestinal and Metabolic Surgeon, India along with many other distinguished speakers from the United Kingdom.
Stressing the need for public health initiatives such as the Change4Life programme for promoting healthy eating and lifestyle, Steve Brine MP said: "I and the Government are committed to improving the outcomes not only for the millions of people living with diabetes but also the many more who are at risk of developing the disease.
"If we can continue to make an impact on diabetes, then the benefits to both the NHS and the people of this country will be enormous.We want to make sure the healthiest choice becomes the easiest choice.”
Keith Vaz MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes said bringing together world health experts in the field of diabetes was crucial to understanding the severity of the illness.