Sant Trilochan Darshan Das is the renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader at the helm of Sachkahand Nanak Dham, widely recognized for his philanthropic and charitable endeavors. He recently visited the UK whilst on his global tour of discourses and delivered two sermons in Birmingham and London. At both venues, the preacher was greeted by an eagerly awaiting and full congregation, enthusiastically anticipating his message.
Sant Trilochan Das delivered his philosophies in a poignant and direct manner. He adeptly utilized examples that are easy to relate to modern life to illustrate essential teachings from the Holy Scriptures. His message was engaging and all encompassing, and delivered to a broadly diverse audience comprised of all faiths and walks of life. He addressed some key themes over the two days including the importance of mediation and chanting in our ever-impatient lives, and explained some simple yet potent methods to effectively meditate. He spoke clearly and eloquently about people’s relationship with the Divine, urging all to introspectively analyse their own personal bond with their creator and how driven they are by their own particular agendas. Sant Trilochan Darshan Das Ji delivered his sermons in an easily accessible way that was both thought-provoking and moving.
Abhimantrit Guru Prasadam is a powerful and ef- fective remedy for a wide range of ailments, comprised of seeds, herbs and herbal extracts, that Sant Trilochan- Darshan Das Ji is actively promoting across the world; the Wellness Revolution as it has been coined. Hun- dreds of thousands of people have already benefitted from this super-remedy that relieves many illnesses such as diabetes, constipation, asthma, cholesterol, insom- nia amongst others and also helps in other areas such as overcoming addictions and depression. The effects and results of Abhimantrit Guru Prasadam were widely discussed at these programs, with many members of the congregation offering tes- timonials of having over- come difficult and enduring conditions with the aid of Guru Prasadam. The pro- testations of being liberated from long-term chemical medications and conditions that people had otherwise resigned themselves to were certainly very inspiring. Does is it really work? Why don’t you try for yourself and see…?
For further informa- tion please see To watch daily dis- courses by Sant Trilochan Darshan Das watch Aas- tha Sky Channel 837.