The mortgage loan origination process is always lengthy and exhaustive. This is because it is a high-risk business model. Lenders simply can't afford to sit back and relax in their line of work. Every approved loan amount goes into well over a hundred thousand dollars. The stakes are very high! To ensure that they don't come across fraudulent profiles, lenders initiate the extensive loan approval called loan origination.
Mortgage loan origination comprises of application acceptance, processing, property appraisal, loan underwriting, and loan approval. For all lenders, the complexity of loan origination is not a matter of choice. It is a necessity that must be handled well.
How Can a Mortgage BPO Simplify Your Loan Origination Process?
This necessity takes up close to 90% of the time and resources of a lender. The level of detail that is needed to examine borrower documents before approving the loan is the primary reason behind this. Today, mortgage BPO companies are the trusted resource of every lender that helps them cope with the challenges associated with loan origination.
From the application process to loan closing and post-closing, mortgage BPO companies are the trusted resource of every lender specialize in streamlining the loan approval process for the lender.
They do this by breaking down the mortgage loan approval process into steps that can be approached individually. This gives them and the lender a chance to evaluate the entire business process and optimize it for fast turnaround times.
BPO service providers deploy the following core support functions to make the loan origination process a breeze for lenders.
Data Entry: Mortgage outsourcing service providers capture all the personal records of the borrower such as employment details, income statements, place of residence, SSN and more. This enables borrowers to organize customer profiles efficiently. It also helps lenders verify borrower details (property and personal) in the future if need be.
Data Verification: Gigabytes of data that is inaccurate is of no use for anyone. This is why lenders spend a lot of time and money in maintaining the accuracy of data. Good mortgage BPO companies leave no stone unturned in verifying all data that is brought onboard the loan origination system. Such meticulous levels of scrutiny help eliminate niggles arising from the recording of wrong information in the loan approval process, especially in the later stages.
Appraisal and Underwriting Support: Property appraisal and loan underwriting are two areas where lenders experience the highest amount of risk. Small details like title information, ownership history, employment history can create an escape clause for the borrower in the event of a lawsuit. Assistance with the property appraisal and underwriting process vastly helps speed up the mortgage loan approval process.
Customer Support: Many mortgage BPO companies understand the importance of a lender’s professional relationship with the borrower. This is why most of them offer it as their standard offering. Customer support assistance goes a long way in helping borrowers clear doubts and sail smoothly through the loan approval process. Proactive customer service also
Loan Closing Services: Once the loan is approved, mortgage BPO companies take charge of generating disclaimer and terms and condition documents. This completes the holistic approach that most service providers take to help simplify the lender’s loan origination process.
The advent of BPO companies in the mortgage industry has largely received favorable responses from lenders. The sheer number of benefits that these business firms bring to the table is the main driving force behind this trend.