Tata Steel has announced its revolutionary vision for the UK housing market to meet the needs of the occupants with changing times by adopting a "cradle-to-grave" approach to design.
A white paper published on Monday (21) in partnership with the Agile Ageing Alliance recommends a fundamental shift in the way housing development is considered in the UK.
Rather than a series of rungs the consumer must climb, from starter home upwards, and then back down again in later life, buildings would be capable of adaptation of morphing to support a growing family, and then adjusting to accommodate an ageing one. This vision of a home for life can only be achieved by looking at the needs of the occupant and how they change over time.
The report comes as the UK finds itself in a housing crisis.
According to the findings of a recent year-long cross-party housing commission launched following the Grenfell Tower disaster in 2017, England needs 3.1 million new social homes by 2040.
Henrik Adam, chief commercial Officer of Tata Steel Europe, said: "In construction, housing is seen as a very challenging area. We believe there is an urgent need for a new approach to home owning throughout our lives. The basis of this starts in designing a home where a person can live, work and play throughout their lives.
"Well-designed spaces coupled with tailored systems are the starting point of a cradle-to-grave approach to housing design. As the needs of the occupant change over time, the space can adapt with minimal disruption, thus reducing the need for a person to move and in turn strengthening the building of and continuity of the neighbourhood'.
"At Tata Steel, we regard this not only as a business opportunity, but believe it is our duty to work on sustainable solutions and play a beneficial role within the society we operate in. The provision of decent, affordable homes is an expression of that belief."