IF IN 2020 most of us collectively grieved in some way, then 2021 can become the year for healing. It can be the year to overcome losses, take better care of our mental and physical health, reshape our thoughts, live more and make meaningful changes in the world. But what does it really mean to heal?
True healing takes time and is entirely possible. It is embracing yourself as whole in health, relationships and the world around you, without blame.
But what if you feel you have the right to blame the past, family, friends, your partner, the government or whoever wronged you for what happened?
You might be right, but it really doesn’t matter or serve you because blame is poisonous to hold on to. And the longer you hold on to it, the weaker you feel and the harder it is to be true to yourself. The moment you place blame, you undermine your ability to create change, both internally and externally. Put simply, you cannot move forward until you release some of the blame, anger and sorrow that have accumulated over time.
Truly healing also requires having open, honest and empathetic conversations, which hold others and ourselves accountable for actions. Holding people accountable takes a lot more courage and self-awareness than blaming and fault-finding.
When we place too much importance on our thoughts or the opinions of others, it’s easy to magnify differences and take things personally. It’s ok to have diverse outlooks – open mindedness and acceptance are strengths that push you forward on your journey, creating more unity over hate, more understanding and less arguing.
And after all, getting your relationships with people smoother is the foundation for a happier life. But it takes courage to forgive those who hurt you, to admit a mistake or know when to walk away.
Although stepping into it can feel scary, courage is essential to healing many aspects of our lives. Courage is owning your story, actions and responsibilities. Courage means taking an honest look at ourselves even when we don’t like what we see. Courage is talking about what you are afraid to say. Courage is sitting with discomfort and coming out the other side of it stronger or still broken but trusting you will be ok.
Interestingly, courage originates from coeur, the French word for heart. So, it is an inner strength, guided by love, which seeks truth. When you have the courage to be true to yourself, you start to let your guard down, which makes it easier for others to do the same.
Living from this heart space encourages more self-love and respect for others. You will find more joy in simple things and relating to people better as your compassion shines through instead of judging.
As we walk into 2021 with an opportunity for a fresh new beginning, I hope you find courage to open your heart a little bit more to push you forward. And I hope you know this will give comfort to all who cross your path. I hope we all blame a lot less, love a lot more and take compassionate and courageous responsibility for our lives. Keep remembering, no matter how bad things get, you can heal. Everyone can heal. I wish you a happier, healthy 2021.