The magazine cover of an Indian magazine depicting a model breastfeeding a baby has sparked controversy. The model, Gilu Joseph, is not a mother herself, and many say it's uncomfortable to see her hold a baby to her chest.
Quite a number of readers have also accused the magazine, Grihalakshmi, for using the image of a breastfeeding mother to increase its circulation.
However, the magazine's editor said publicity was not what they were after. They wanted to spread awareness about breastfeeding and a mother's right to feed her baby in public.
"A month ago, a man shared a picture of his wife breastfeeding on Facebook to start a conversation about letting mothers feed in public spaces. But the result was that the woman was subjected to cyber-bullying from both men and women," Moncy Joseph told the BBC.
The model featured in the photograph, Joseph, also said she expected a lot of criticism. But she wanted to be a part of the photoshoot to support all mothers who wanted to breastfeed with pride and a sense of freedom.
Not all feedback has been negative. Joseph and Grihalakshmi have received tonnes of praises from people who have lauded their efforts to normalise the act of breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is a tender moment shared between a mom and her child, and over the years quite a number of celebrities have been taking efforts to destigmatise the act.
In 2016, Victoria's Secret model Candice Swanepoel took to her Instagram page to post a picture of her breastfeeding her baby and wrote: "Many women today are shamed for breastfeeding in public, or even kicked out of public places for feeding their children.
"I have been made to feel the need to cover up and somewhat shy to feed my baby in public places but strangely feel nothing for the topless editorials I've done in the name of art..?
"The world has been desensitized to the sexualization of the breast and to violence on tv...why should it be different when it comes to breastfeeding?
"Breastfeeding is not sexual it's natural- Those who feel it is wrong to feed your child in public need to get educated on the benefits breastfeeding has on mother and child and intern on society as a whole. ??? ?? #mothernature. (sic)"