Since the main reason for being in college is to achieve academic success, you want to ensure you master the right studying methods to help you tap into your full potential. If you’ve been studying a certain way for a while and it doesn’t seem like it’s working, that’s your cue to try something different.
Due to technological advancements, students today have access to countless studying resources they can use to keep up with their academic workload. If, for instance, you have a backlog of assignments you cannot complete within the right timelines, you can engage assignment experts for professional assistance.
It’s imperative that you explore different studying techniques until you find the ones that work for you. Effective studying techniques help with proper time management because you won’t be spending a lot of time trying to understand one concept. The best studying methods are those that ensure you retain the most information during your study sessions.
When your study sessions bear fruit, you won’t have to cram a whole textbook a night before sitting for your exams because you will have mastered the answers you need to pass. Keep reading to learn the secret study methods you should try because they actually work.
Color Coding Notes
Using different colored highlighters to color-code your notes when studying ensures you don’t forget any important definitions and concepts that will likely be tested in exams. This studying method is excellent because it allows you to simplify the revision process. If you’re looking for specific information, you can easily find it because you shall have highlighted it when you were going through your notes.
Cor coding is a way of organizing your notes in order of importance to minimize the time you spend revising for an exam. After all, once you’ve mastered the main concepts of a subject, all the other information can easily fall into place.
You can go the extra mile by using different colored pens when taking notes during lectures to simplify your work when you’re going through your notes. You will need to prioritize important information by writing them down in a bold color. Anything that your professor emphasizes needs to be written in a different color because they’re what forms the basis of the concept in discussion.
When you’re looking for a lighter to purchase, be sure to go for colors yellow, pink, orange or green because their boldness helps you increase information retention. Using colors also provides you with the positive motivation you need to keep studying. It’s a fun way of ensuring your study sessions are productive, fulfilling and meaningful.
Mind Mapping
If you’ve established that you master concepts faster when they’re represented through media, mind mapping would be a suitable studying method for you. This studying technique allows you to organize complex information in a diagram that breaks it down into bite-size chunks. Mind mapping is effective because it engages your brain with small portions of information to ensure you don’t feel overwhelmed.
What you need to do when using this studying method is to write down a complex word at the center of a blank page and, around it, add keywords that come to mind when you think of the word. Branching out with different keywords breaks down the concept so you can easily follow the basic concept that’s being explored.
Mind mapping works because the structure you come up with often represents how your brain stores information when you’re studying. So, using the established structure as a guide when you’re going through your notes, you’ll have an easy time retrieving answers to exam questions. This is because when your reading comprehension is improved, your brain faces no challenges with information storage, so you won’t forget what you’ve learned.
Exercising Before Study Sessions
It’s important to fight fatigue before you start a study session, as this allows you to focus on your notes fully. Exercising also boosts your energy levels to ensure your brain is ready for the work ahead.
If you struggle to find the motivation to start studying, consider exercising before each study session. A simple 15-45 minutes workout is enough to get you pumped and ready to exercise. Make sure you get rid of the sweat with a quick shower, so you don’t feel uncomfortable during your study session.
Wrapping Up
Discovering secret study methods ensures you don’t stick with a technique that doesn’t seem to be working for you. When you understand your academic strengths and weaknesses, you can apply suitable study methods that guarantee results at the end of every study session.