ASIAN women are being urged to attend their cervical screening appointment as early detection of abnormalities can help save lives.
A recent survey showed that nine out of 10 women said they would take a test that could help prevent cancer; however, research also shows that one in four women do not attend their cervical screening - a test that could stop cancer before it starts.
Priyanka Abbi, 33, recalled her screening two years ago. “The results showed abnormal cells and after further investigations it revealed I had cervical cancer which left me in shock at the time,” she said. “I wish I had gone for my screening test when I received the invitation. I kept putting it off as I found it difficult to find the time to go.
“I’ve been successfully treated now and would urge all women - especially Asian women, as I know talking about private body parts within our culture can be a taboo.”
Chhaya Jones, 42, also had an abnormal result after attending her cervical screening. However, she was successfully treated. She said: “I hope more Asian women will be encouraged to book an appointment if they missed their last screening test without delay.”
“I religiously book my appointment when I receive my invitation. Even if it is uncomfortable, that five minutes of discomfort could save my life.”
Lakshmi Jesani, 37, sought to allay some women’s fears about the screening test. She said: “Most tests are done by a female nurse; I usually ask for a female nurse because you can, just to put my mind at rest. The nurses I have seen are very good at putting me at ease so that I don’t feel embarrassed and they have given me tips to make the test more comfortable.
“At my previous test I asked for a smaller speculum which was more comfortable and the test was over in minutes."
For further information about cervical screening, search ‘NHS Cervical Screening’